Additive Manufacturing Application
BÖHLER offers its customers various powders for additive manufacturing methods under the brand name BÖHLER AMPO. These can be used to produce sophisticated components for engineering and tooling applications. A special feature of 3D printing is that it can be used to create high-quality, customized products while saving resources, time and costs.
The automotive product portfolio includes soft magnetic materials, high-performance case-hardening steels as well as High Speed and hot-work tool steels. BÖHLER produces and supplies highly functional materials, primarily for the highly stressed powertrain area and for injection components under high quality and product safety standards.
Cold Work
Cold work tool steels are used in hand tools and tools in the forming industry, e.g. for punching, cutting and massive forming. Above all, these steels must exhibit wear resistance and fracture resistance, properties which BÖHLER ensures and continuously develops in the interests of satisfied customers using state-of-the-art manufacturing processes.
Cutting Tools
Cutting processes, e.g. drilling, milling, threading or broaching, require tools made from selected high-speed steels. BÖHLER high-speed steels optimally combine the required properties such as high edge retention, hot hardness and toughness. For our customers, this means reliable and reproducible production processes, long tool life and lower set-up costs.
BÖHLER offers its customers tailor-made material solutions in the fields of medical technology, luxury watches and the electronics industry. Industry standards at the highest quality level and innovative products for special challenges are our specialty, e. g. low-Ni steels for watches and medical technology.
Hot Work
BÖHLER hot-work tool steels are mainly used in highly stressed forging and die-casting tools and, due to their good combination of properties, also in cold work and plastics processing. The main focus is on offering customized material solutions with high-quality, remelted steels.
Land Based Turbines
Power generation engineering requires proven materials with a diverse range of properties, e.g. corrosion-resistant and low-temperature steels as well as thermally resistant alloys. BOHLER manufactures the materials according to given specifications and standards and supply the products in high quality to meet the exact requirements of our customers, including the world's most renowned turbine manufacturers.
Die Luftindustrie verlangt verlässliche Werkstoffe für Zelle, Triebwerk und Fahrwerk. BÖHLER produziert und liefert Stähle und Legierungen nach vorgegebenen Spezifikationen und Normen, in der gewünschten Zusammensetzung und Abmessung mit den gewünschten Eigenschaften. Jeder einzelne Produktions- und Prüfschritt liegt in unseren Händen und sichert die Qualität auf höchstem Niveau.
Oil & Gas / CPI
Safety-related and economic challenges in these segments demand a wide range of properties from the materials used. The product portfolio includes proven, highly corrosion-resistant steels and alloys of high quality. Voestalpine Böhler Edelstahl is a fully integrated manufacturer of nickel and steel alloys for these demanding industries.
Plastic Mould
Common BÖHLER tool steels and remelted or powder metallurgically produced high-performance materials are used in tools for highly differentiated plastics processing methods, e.g. injection molding and extrusion. Above all, customers see us as the market leader with the most versatile range of stainless materials for the plastics processing industry.